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So whether Monday morning or Friday evening, Wednesday afternoon or Saturday noon, Sunday service or Workday service, the all-of-life, every day of it is a joy under an all-powerful God, a thankful heart and a needful call - none of it at the expense of the other, and all to the glory of Another.

Worship is a moment by moment reality. We are always going to worship something. Always. However, we were made to worship Some One. Why then do we fail to worship our Creator? Why
 do Christian men and women reject what they know is true and turn to what is untrue? While I know we can all answer, “Sin is the reason,” I want us to consider what David says from Psalm 103 when he pleads to himself “forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:2).

Truly, God’s people have suffered throughout the ages. And we can’t always make sense of it all. In fact, that’s the point of Psalm 44, which Paul quotes here. But thanks be to God that at any moment you and I can be “fit for the times” by the Holy Spirit. It is His grace and divine power that enables believers to persevere during times of great spiritual opposition and become “more than conquerors through Him.” Our competence, just like our mission, comes from Him.

Some have, but not all. A few Pastors have even targeted other Pastors and what they have said, while, in my opinion, failing themselves to respond with what is most needed. Many shepherds have seemingly been content to try to fix the worldly problems that worldly men have...without addressing the main problem. Oh sure, most have said that sin is behind it all, but then many went on to seek solutions without actually dealing with sin!

God’s given us something to give one another, and if it’s coming from God, then it’s got to be good. Our hearts can always use a good talkin’ to, and our worship can usually use reviving, and our gift just needs to be used. So the next time we’re reticent to say or write something and think, “So what’s the use?”, let’s take our hearts to the rock that is higher than us, let’s rest our worship upon the beauty of the Lord, and then... let’s go for it and say that something, write that note, encourage the other, build the other up.

Quite honestly there is no shortage of good biblical truth here at Grace. If you want knowledge about Truth, you’ve come to the right place. If you want to be equipped for the work of the ministry, you’ve come to the right place. However, wisdom, biblical wisdom, is not simply possessing biblical knowledge, wisdom is you and me rightly applying that biblical knowledge moment by moment and day by day.

I have been refreshed and renewed. But not without spiritual effort and tears of repentance. My greatest fear now is that I’ll get back in a groove and forget about it all. I’m doing all I can not to. This ground was gained at a great price and I’m unwilling to move backwards. But I need grace for this as well. Pray for me in this regard.

Let us pray that the Lord gives us all hearts that unite together as part of a “throbbing machinery” that drives the engine of the church. “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than we ask or think according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20

There are some in our church, as there are in all churches, who may be content to not be engaged in any form of body life, but rather just “come for the sermon” and that’s it. That is not what we are called to. If that is you, I urge you to turn from this practice and seek to engage in ministry. If you are one of those who does engage in ministry, I encourage you to not grow weary, but continue to serve Christ and his church as we seek to grow together in our love, unity and Christ-likeness here at Grace Bible Church.

To be with Him, lean into Him, listen to Him, sense Him... yes, what rest. More than just a peaceful night, this rest is the kind that can never get enough. It builds upon itself. Beckoning, it calls for more and more. There’s no guilt in not “doing”, no shame. It’s what the Master prescribes, at least for “a while”. Arriving in your “secluded place”, go ahead... “rest” with Him.