Operation Christmas Joy is our opportunity to assist Chaplin Harold Albert in ministering to local County Jail inmates and their families. We are hoping to share the joy of Christmas with 100 children and their families this year!
Sign up in the courtyard starting Sunday, October 24th and you will be contacted around the last week of November with the age and gift request for an inmate’s child.
Give a Gift Bring your wrapped gift to GBC on Sunday, December 5 and share the love of Christ with a broken family.
Deliver the Good-News! We are also in need of volunteers to help deliver the gifts. Delivery volunteers will be equipped with tracts and strongly encouraged to ask the families how they can pray for them and pursue opportunities to share the gospel with them even in the short time of contact during delivery.
See the table in the courtyard to sign up on Sundays
or call the church office at 925-676-1854