Christ The Loving Servant
May 27, 2012 Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: John 13:1–13:17 Series: The Gospel of John

Session 5 : Why Fight the Faith of Faith?
May 20, 2012 Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Fighting the Fight of Faith

Spiritual Warfare
May 20, 2012 Speaker: Ryan Rippee Passage: Ephesians 6:10–6:17 Series: Grace Bible Church

Session 4: Specific Battles in the Fight of Faith
May 19, 2012 Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Fighting the Fight of Faith

Session 3: How to Fight the Fight of Faith
May 19, 2012 Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Fighting the Fight of Faith

Session 2: What am I Trusting -- Really?
May 19, 2012 Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Fighting the Fight of Faith

Session 1: What is Faith?
May 18, 2012 Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Fighting the Fight of Faith

The Anatomy of Unbelief
May 13, 2012 Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: John 12:37–12:50 Series: The Gospel of John

The Power of the Cross
May 6, 2012 Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: John 12:27–12:36 Series: The Gospel of John