Sermons from this Series
Sep 27
The Restoring Love of Genuine Faith
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 5:19–5:20 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Sep 20
The Efficacy of Prayer
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 5:13–5:18 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Sep 13
Mean What You Say, Say What You Mean
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 5:12–5:12 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Aug 30
The Patient Endurance of Genuine Faith
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 5:7–5:11 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Aug 23
The Peril of Misused Wealth
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 5:1–5:6 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Aug 16
The Pride of Imaginary Self-Sufficiency
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 4:13–4:17 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Aug 9
Gospel Humility and Critical Speech
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 4:11–4:12 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Aug 2
Drawing Near to God
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 4:7–4:10 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Jul 5
How Mature Faith Responds to Conflicts
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 4:1–4:10 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Jul 5
How Mature Faith Responds to Conflicts
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 4:1–4:10 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Jun 28
The Visible Wisdom of Mature Faith
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 3:13–3:18 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Jun 21
Faith and the Taming of the Tongue, Pt. 2
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 3:1–12 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Jun 14
Faith and the Taming of the Tongue, Pt. 1
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 3:1–12 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
May 31
Faith and Works: What God Has Joined Let No Man Separate, Pt. 3
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 2:26–2:28 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
May 10
Faith and Works: What God Has Joined Let No Man Separate, Pt. 2
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 2:21–26 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
May 3
Faith and Works: What God Has Joined, Let No Man Separate, Pt. 1
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 2:14–20 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Apr 5
Avoiding Partilaity
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 2:1–13 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Mar 29
True Religion
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:26–27 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Mar 22
Responding to the Word of God
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:19–27 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Mar 15
Responding to Temptation
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:13–18 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Mar 8
The Reward of Enduring Trials
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:12 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Mar 1
Responding to Trials Pt. 3
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:9–11 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Feb 22
Responding to Trials Pt. 2
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:5–8 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Feb 15
Responding to Trials Pt. 1
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:2–4 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James
Feb 8
An Introduction to James
Speaker: Tony Sanelli Passage: James 1:1 Series: Mature Faith: The Book of James