June 14, 2020

Acts: A Brief Introduction & Reflection

Series: The Spreading Word Passage: Acts 1:1–5

This is the full service from June 14th, 2020. The format has been changed to accommodate the current Health and Safety precautions from the County Health Department. 


Acts: A Brief Introduction & Reflection

1 – Author

  • The author of Acts is the highly educated physician, doctor Luke.
  • Luke was a companion of Paul and eyewitness to his ministry (Acts 16:10; Col 4:14; 2 Tim 4)

2 – Purpose

  • The beginning of Acts is directly connected to the beginning of the gospel of Luke. Hence, the central purpose found in Luke 1 remains true in the book of Acts.
  • Acts was written to provide assurance to Theophilus (and all readers) that these events truly are the acts of God and can be trusted.
  • Lloyd-Jones – “Live in that book, I exhort you; it is a tonic, the greatest tonic I know of”

3 – Message

God is fulfilling His plan to gather in His people from the far reaches of the earth.

  • Through His exalted Son (1:1; 2:36, 3:6; cf. Eph 1:20)
  • Through His preached word (1:2; Luke 24:46-48, Acts 1:8; Rom 1:16)
  • Through His chosen apostles (1:2, 3, 22; Luke 24:36ff; Eph 2:20)
  • Through His promised Spirit (1:4-5; Jn 15:26-27; Acts 5:32)

4 – Structure

  • Structural signpost - Acts 1:8 – Jerusalem, Judea & Samaria... earth
  • Summary statements

Acts 6:7
Acts 12:24
Acts 13:48-49
Acts 19:20
Acts 28:30-31

5 - Reflection

  • There is no false triumphalism in Acts. The word spread and grew in the face of great hostility and trouble. We should expect the same.
  • One of the greatest challenges was the internal struggle to accept Gentile peoples as equal heirs to the promises of God in Christ. Working through this issue clarified the gospel of grace and its application.

Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways have you seen & experienced the connection between the word and growth?
  2. What has Luke provided that gives assurance to believers?
  3. How does the statement, “The Holy Spirit is the primary witness” impact you?
  4. Describe ways Christians in “secular” jobs can be engaged in Christ’s kingdom work.

other sermons in this series