Application Information
If you are a church member, this form is to be completed for any position involving the supervision or custody of minors. This is not an employment application form. This form is being used to help the church provide a safe and secure environment for those children and youth who participate in our programs and use our facilities.
Children are a gift from the Lord. Their care involves a holy and precious stewardship for both Christian parents and the local church. Due to the disturbing and traumatic rise of physical and sexual abuse of children that has claimed the attention of our society, the following policies reflect our commitment to provide protective care of all children, youth, and volunteers who participate in church-sponsored activities.
1. Adults who have been convicted of either sexual or physical child abuse should not volunteer service in any church-sponsored activity or program for children or youth.
2. Adult survivors of childhood sexual or physical abuse need the love and acceptance of this church family. Individuals who have such a history should discuss their desire to work with children or youth with one of the elders prior to engaging in any volunteer service.
3. All adult volunteers teaching youth or children are required to be members of Grace Bible Church (GBC).
4. Adult volunteers working with youth or children are required to submit to a background check.
5. Adult volunteers should observe the “two adult” rule. This requires that adults are never alone with children or youth without an adult partner.
6. Adult volunteers should immediately report behaviors that seem abusive or inappropriate to their supervisor.
7. All volunteers are expected to attend the worship service that is opposite of the hour they are volunteering and not replace the main worship service with serving in this ministry. If serving during the first hour service, you should attend the second hour service or vice-versa. Our pastors feel it is important for us to worship together as the body of Christ and while serving in ministry is important, they do not desire for it to interfere with worshipping together.
8. Adult volunteers working with children are “mandatory reporters” in the state of California. Volunteers must agree to report any behavior that seems abusive or inappropriate to the CE Administrator or Pastor of GBC.
9. If, after reading and completing this application, you feel there may be another reason not mentioned here that may prevent you from serving in this way, please contact Scott Denny, Elder, or Mariam Denny, Director of Children’s Educations Ministry.