Listed below are the individuals who give of their time and talents to head specific ministries at Grace.  If you wish to contact any one of these ministry head individuals, you can do so through the church office at (925) 676-1584.

 Adult Education  Michael Sanelli
 Benevolent  Gordon Judd
 Book Ministry  Dawn Payne
 Building/Maintenance  Alex Ayala
 Children’s Education  Luke Shelnutt
 Community Groups  Scott Denny
 Counseling Ministry  Scott Denny
 Greeter Ministry  Phillip Hohn
 Hospitality Ministry  Vanity Ayala 
 Junior & Senior High (The Youth Group/TYG)  Luke Shelnutt
 Local Outreach  Ben Nissen
 Meals Ministry  Anelyse George & Courtney Turner
 Media Ministry  Michael Oki
 Men's Ministry  Michael Sanelli
 Missions  Tony Sanelli
 Nursery  Beverly Salguero
 Office  Dawn Payne
 Parking Ministry  Osvaldo Salguero
 Projection Ministry  CG Senft 
 Ushers  Ken Axe
 Welcome Center  Phillip Hohn
 Women's Ministry  Keli Judd
 Worship Ministry  Michael Sanelli
Young Adults (WING)  Ben Nissen