The Men’s Ministry exists to help build lasting relationships in Christ with other men for the purpose of edification, accountability and friendship.

Purpose StatementBaptism2 2.18

The Men’s Ministry exists to make disciples that make disciples (Matthew 28:19) and to equip men for ministry (Ephesians 4:11) and to prepare the next generation of faithful servant-leaders (2 Timothy 2:2).

Philosophy of Ministry

Discipleship is best accomplished within the context of the local church, and it is the conviction of the elders that mentoring other men through learning and training is best done by precept, example, and real-life application. Our Discipleship Training Program (DTP) serves as the foundation for the spiritual formation of our men. Click here for more information. 

Bible Study

Each Fall and Winter we offer a study through a book of the Bible, generally one from the OT and one from the NT. These studies are on Saturday mornings at 8 AM. If you're interested in learning more about participating in a men's Bible study, please contact Michael Sanelli at

Men's Breakfasts

Gather for a time of fellowship, food and teaching at our Men’s Breakfasts offered four times throughout the year. The breakfast is accompanied by worship and a time of encouragement through a message from God's Word. The dates for this year's breakfasts are on the following Saturdays in 2024:
          - January 6
          - April 13
          - August 10
          - November 9

Fellowship Groups

We provide a variety of ways for men to gather for fellowship based upon their mutual interests. At present we have men that meet for golf, hiking, and cycling (road and mountain). If you'd like to connect with any one of these groups email Michael Sanelli at

Men's Prayer

Every Friday morning at 6:30am the men of Grace Bible Church are invited to attend a prayer meeting held through Zoom. This meeting is a time where we pray for the needs of the church and each other. “Therefore, I want the men in every place to pray” (1 Timothy 2:8).  If you'd like to receive a link for the meeting please contact Michael Sanelli at