Our Sunday worship service schedule, the order of service and style, along with childcare information. 

The Schedule

Our worship services are at 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. We have evening meetings approximately five times a year. The evening meetings are of various formats including members' meetings, musical presentations, and other special occasions.

During the summer months, we enjoy a picnic lunch once each month at the neighboring park following the 11:15 a.m. service. Everyone is welcome.

The Order of Worship Services

Our services typically last 90 minutes. Before every service, you will see a Scripture passage for meditation on a screen along with a piano prelude. We encourage worshippers to use this time for contemplative preparation.Worship Team 2024 resized

The goal of our services is to exalt God (who is the subject and object of our worship), to meet with Him, and hear His voice. Our services are characterized by joyful and passionate corporate singing, God-centeredness, and the solemn contemplation of the Bible and its contemporary implications.

They are structured around a few different orders of worship (liturgies) that emphasize the person of Jesus Christ and encourage congregational participation rather than a performance mindset. Individual elements include a call to worship, songs, prayer, unison and responsive readings, an offering, and preaching.

Preaching at GBC is Christ-centered and expositional, meaning that it seeks to declare the point of a passage from its historical context and demonstrate its connection to the person and work of Jesus Christ. During the preaching time, it is our conviction that God Himself speaks and acts upon us. It is our prayer that you will feel a sense of His presence.

We traditionally partake of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) on the second Sunday of the month and every fifth Sunday, as well. There is always an opportunity for individuals to pray with a pastor or another church leader after each service.

You will find people congregating long after the service enjoying a conversation about the message, a cup of coffee, or browsing books in Our Bookstore.


GBC worship services are a blend of formal and casual, contemporary and traditional. It saddens us that many churches have divided over debates regarding musical “style.” We are humbly grateful that we have enjoyed unity of heart and mind in our patterns of worship. For more information regarding our understanding of worship, visit our worship page.


Nursery HeaderYou will find nursery care, through age three, available during both services. While we encourage preschool children & up to attend worship services with their parents, we do offer Children’s Education classes up through the fifth grade during the 9:00 a.m. Starting June 11, we will be offering children's education through fifth grade for both services.


If you are a first-time visitor, our hope is that you will easily find parking in the north or south parking lots. However, the south lot has fewer stalls, so we encourage you to park in the north lot.

In the north lot, you will find several stalls in front of the office complex for handicapped persons and seniors. Should the lot be full, there is more than adequate off-site parking to accommodate our worship attenders.

You may park on the street on Gregory and Cleaveland. However, we ask that you respect our neighbors by not parking on S. Cody Lane. You can also consult the map of the campus with all parking locations designated.

Getting Acquaintedfellowship

When you visit, please stop by to talk with our greeters at the front entrance.  For individuals seeking to discover more about us, we also offer a Discover Grace class every quarter, on a Saturday. This is an informal class for newcomers to GBC and lunch is provided.

Special Needs

We try to accommodate individuals needing hearing assistance. Please ask an usher for a listening assistance device.