The foundational convictions upon which this ministry is built are the cardinal doctrines of the historic Christian faith as expressed by the early Ecumenical Creeds and the central doctrinal concerns of the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation.

The foundational convictions upon which this ministry is built are the cardinal doctrines of the historic Christian faith as expressed by the early Ecumenical Creeds and the central doctrinal concerns of the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation.

Though we are in broad agreement with the confessional statements of historic Reformation theology we do not adhere to any single confession. All confessions are historical documents born in a specific context and do not adequately address all the issues of another day.

Therefore, we have adopted a doctrinal statement which embodies the central core of the historic Christian faith as contained in the early creeds and Reformed confessions but which allows for greater detail in specific areas pertinent to our times.

We recognize that any doctrinal statement is but a fallible human attempt to summarize and systematize the riches of an infallible divine revelation. However, this does not minimize the necessity nor benefits of such a document. This statement defines the teaching/doctrinal position of the church elders. It does not define the boundaries of our fellowship. The affirmations which follow specify our teaching position with regard to the major biblical doctrines

~ The Elders of Grace Bible Church