Worship Services are Sundays at 9:00 & 11:15 am.

Operation Christmas Child 2021

608x288 bannerOperation Christmas Child
Samaritan’s Purse

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a Samaritan’s Purse program which collects gift-filled shoeboxes for children at Christmas time and distributes them around the world as an outreach to families. Shoeboxes are filled with 3 or 4 small gifts, some hygiene items and/or school supplies. Also, inside each  shoebox, is a gospel presentation and an invitation to join a discipleship correspondence course titled, “The Greatest Journey.” In 2020, over 3.5 million children participated in the discipleship program. GBC has a goal of donating 300 shoeboxes this year. Get a box. Follow the directions to fill the box with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. Or build a shoebox online where you choose the gifts to include, and let Samaritan’s Purse assemble the box for you. Over the last 28 years, 188 million shoeboxes have been given out.   

GBC shoebox collection will be Sunday, November 7 and 14.  Check out the OCC table in the courtyard starting Sunday, October 10th for more details or contact the church office.

To build your shoebox online, click HERE